Thursday, July 10, 2014

Classroom Reveal!

I have been working very hard in my classroom this summer. I was one of the lucky ones at my school to have a classroom "renovation". As I work at a very old school, we have drafty (in the winter) and leaky rooms and the air does not cool well on hot days. I feel like I have a brand new room now! I can't wait to share it with you along with the super cute décor pack I bought from a fellow blogger! Details and pictures coming soon... :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

We Are Super Improvers!

Two weeks ago I introduced an idea from Whole Brain Teaching called Super Improvers. I knew I needed something to get my kiddos to give 100% again and to help for the end of the year slump with behavior. TADA! I made the big reveal on a Monday morning and they were so excited. I knew we were near the end of the year so I changed the requirements for moving colors to suit my needs. This is based solely on achievements except if they get a Purple Day which is exciting for them! :) When they get 5 stars they get to change their color to the next level.
They take full responsibility for this so it is no work on my part except to monitor them. If they reach Living Legend they will get their picture taken and be at the top of my Super Improvers wall FOREVER! They love this idea! Enjoy and I hope you will be inspired to try this with your students! Next year we will go to 10-15 stars to move levels, since we will have the whole year to try.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


School was definitely overwhelming today. Maybe there is a full moon tonight! ;) Anyhow, this week has been crazy due to testing. Math, ELA, ELDA, DIBELS.... you name it, we have done it! Can you say exhausted! On another note, I opened up my very own TPT store and submitted my first 4 products. Super excited about this! It's so much fun to sit and create. It seems to be my own form of therapy and relaxation, except I still get something accomplished. Win win! Check it out at

Monday, March 10, 2014

I love to create...

I love to create and teach! I also need an outlet to just be me. :) If you are a fellow teacher you know just what I mean. Between working, classes, tutoring, and being a mommy and wife, I have my hands full. I hope to make this blog into a place where I am free to post my teacher creations, links to other awesome people's creations, and any other bits of random I can scrounge up. Be patient with me until I get the hang of all this blogdom... ;)